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vineri, 1 august 2014

The weekend in black and white - Craniul

Am trecut de sute de ori  pe langa aceata piatra , in ultimele 3 luni . De fiecare data mi s-a parut ca seamana cu un craniu de animal! :)
 linking to: The Weekend in Black and White

8 comentarii:

  1. A wonderful shape with great texture. To me it looks like the head of a dog.

  2. Inteleg ca ai venit acasa .Bine ai sosit! Da,o piatra mai ciudata ca forma.

  3. Chiar seamana ca un craniu. Foarte frumoasa imaginea! Sa ai un week-end minunat!

  4. Ein sehr interessantes Motiv, stimmt, sieht aus wie ein Tierschädel !
    Guter Schuss

  5. Very interesting photo in B&W! Great shapes and texture!

  6. Very creative shot for BWW ~ thanks,

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Seamana cu capul unui caine, parca ar fi de pe un templu aztec:)
    O zi buna!


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