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luni, 14 iulie 2014


Cicoarea comuna (Cichorium intybus) este o planta erbacee, perena, comestibila, care apartine genului Cichorium din familia Asteraceae. Este cunoscuta din antichitate: in Egiptul antic era cultivata ca planta medicinala, fiind folosita pentru tratarea bolilor hepato-biliare si renale. In zilele noastre, radacina de cicoare comuna este un foarte popular inlocuitor de cafea, iar partile aeriene sunt folosite in scop medicinal sau culinar (frunzele bazale, cu un gust usor amarui, se folosesc in salate asortate, precum si in pregatirea unor mancaruri specifice bucatariei franceze si italiene). Aici , cateva fotografii dupa o zi ploioasa.

 Linking to: Blue Monday, Macro Monday 2,   Our World Tuesday,  Nature Notes, 

26 de comentarii:

  1. Such a wonderful vibrant blue in the first several photos. And love the delicacy of the flower in the last photo.

  2. Wonderful macros with raindrops!
    I like it!
    Hugs Rivien

  3. Lovely droplets hanging off the flowers.

  4. Beautiful photos, especially the drops look great!

  5. Ultima imagine e preferata mea, vad si niste panze de paianjan. O saptamana cat mai frumoasa sa ai!

  6. Hello Ileana,

    You are an excellent photographer! This is stunning. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  7. Very beautiful! Thank you for your visit!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  8. Never saw a chicory flower before. Beautiful blue. Interesting twist to the usual petal pictures. Great job!

  9. Lovely flowers and the droplets is a beautiful capture. Have a happy week!

  10. Gorgeous floral shots ~ love the water on them ~ Great shots ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  11. The last looks icy! I like your focus on these shots.

  12. Superbly captured after the rain. Have a good week Ileana

  13. Oh, how GORGEOUS your pictures of chicory flower and wonderful shot of with raindrops♡♡♡ Thank you very much for the information, I just knew the name of the pant and had no idea of its medicinal effect,Ileana.
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Oh beautiful macro detail with the pretty purple and the water droplets.. Wonderful for Nature Notes.. Thank you...Michelle

  15. That's some soggy chickory but the photos turned out great.

  16. Stunning photos and so much pretty blue. I am happy to be here. Have a great week and enjoy the blues.


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