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sâmbătă, 2 august 2014


 Saarburgul a devenit deja o amintire. Acum imi fac ordine prin fotografii si retraiesc momentele petrecute acolo. In fiecare seara  ratustele se adunau pe ponton. A fost o placere sa le privesc!

  Saturday's Critters
Shadow Shot Sunday,

13 comentarii:

  1. I am sure you have wonderful memories of your trip! The ducks in the evening light are beautiful. Lovely post, Ileana! Thank you for linking up your post with my critter party. Happy weekend, Eileen!

  2. Wonderful golden light in these shots.

  3. How lovely with their small shadows!

  4. Lovely shots of the ducks. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. lovely light on those beautiful ducks! Have a happy day!

  6. Ce simpatice sunt. E frumos sa avem amintiri, aparatul foto mi se pare o mare binecuvantare, capteaza cele mai frumoase momente din viata noastra.Week-end frumos in continuare!

  7. beautiful lighting in these shots. Have a great weekend.

  8. I like the golden light. Nice shots.


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