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luni, 8 iunie 2015

Panza de paianjen

Stie paianjenul unde sa-i puna plasa, nu-i asa? Ma intreb prin ce loc sta ascuns asteptandu-si prada. In lumina soarelui de dimineata, locusorul asta ascuns intr-o tufa de tuia, arata mirific. 

Catching  light

5 comentarii:

  1. Smart spider made a wonderful display for your camera ... and caught the light in his web as well :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. So lush! Wonderful image of the spider nest!

  3. Wonderful find and capture♪

  4. beautiful display, but maybe a little too much of the web for the plant :)

  5. Lovely shots. I always wonder why they spin where they do--especially in my bathroom!


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