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joi, 15 ianuarie 2015

Doar pentru ca-mi e dor

Fac aceasta postare doar pentru ca-mi e dor. Mi-e dor de locul in care vedeam soarele rasarind, cu ochi de copil. 
Fac aceasta postare pentru ca mi-e dor de timpurile cand, daca strigam  "Mama!", cineva imi raspundea.
Fac aceasta postare ca sa nu ma mai simt vinovata ca n-am mai fost acolo de multa vreme.
Acolo am vazut cel mai frumos rasarit de soare stand pe treptele scarii de la casa mamei, 

sau din gradina casei sorei mele.

Fac aceasta postare pentru ca mi-e dor de Strambeni, satul meu natal.
Linking to : Good Fences, rubrica gazduita de Theresa.

9 comentarii:

  1. This is the kind of fence I like very much and
    I also like your sunrise, it is beautiful. I never
    get to see that because I get up too late ;)
    Hope you have many more pictures of your
    home village that can help you when you
    miss that place.
    Have a fine day

  2. Hello Ileana, beautiful shots! The sunrise is a lovely way to start your day.. Gorgeous..

  3. Nice fence and those sunrise shos are amazing!

  4. i understand. i've not been home in 8 yrs. even still, my mother is long gone and one of my sisters, too. you can never quite go back. :)

  5. Oh wow, I can't get enough of your sky and the nature scene! Beautiful!

  6. I fancy your garden photo - so lovely!

  7. I like the first fence and perhaps the second one needs some work done on it!

  8. Truly lovely. I can see why you would miss this.


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