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marți, 25 noiembrie 2014


Noiembrie se apropie de sfarsit si odata cu el se va sfarsi si toamna. Ieri am avut cativa fulgi de zapada care ne-au avertizat ca iarna nu e departe. Afara e frig. Pe Maya o conving din ce in ce mai greu sa iasa afara. Uneori ma intreb daca nu cumva  eu imi doresc mai mult decat Maya  sa stau mai mult in casa . :(     In fine, fiecare avem zile mai bune sau mai putin bune .
Afara e frig. Tufanelele sunt inca inflorite in rondurile de la Casa Sindicatelor. Sunt pline de picaturi de apa . Sunt flori rezistente si super frumoase in aceasta zi cenusie de noiembrie.

10 comentarii:

  1. So pretty the water-drenched blossoms. Your flowers still look very much like autumn to me.

  2. Lovely flowers and images. Well done, Ileana!

  3. those are pretty. i can understand the hesitancy to get out in bad weather. :)

  4. These flowers are a pretty last chance of color. I've always been partial to little blossoms.

  5. Lovely! Nicely photographed... and I hope you'll share at

  6. I am SO happy to see flowers...beautiful flowers as mine are all gone for the winter. Thank you for linking into Nature Notes this week..Michelle

  7. Beautiful flowers! I love the colours.

  8. Wonderful colourful flowers, captured beautifully!
    Thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!


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