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joi, 11 septembrie 2014

Echilibru instabil pe strazile din Saarburg

Fotografie facuta in luna iunie in Saarburg. M-am intrebat daca a ajuns cu bine la destinatie! :)
De remarcat gardurile foarte scunde , comparativ cu gardurile de la noi.

Nu am multe de spus azi, pentru ca nu e tocmai cea mai buna zi, dar nu am vrut sa sar peste  jocul de azi , Good Fences, gazduit de Theresa. Saptamana viitoare voi avea mai multe sper.

9 comentarii:

  1. i hope he made it home with that load! thanks for the fence link-in!

  2. My attention went right to those listing hay bales. I'd not follow too close behind as that car is.

  3. Chiar nu erau prinse cu nimic pe laterale? Interesante gardurile, noi romanii ne cam baricadam...Cred ca avem mai multa nesiguranta.Pupici!

  4. What a load, and a fun photo of a day on the road. Great fence pretty as can be too. Very nice post.

  5. Oh my, that load looks like it might fall!

  6. Nice color on the fence with the red pillars but I have to say those leaning bales of hay steal the show here.

  7. Neat looking house! The hay bales remind me of the trailers full of them that I often see drive by my house here in Iowa!

  8. They will be lucky to get to their destination with that load!


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