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joi, 1 mai 2014

Nu prea sunt garduri pe aici!

Este ceva nou pentru mine. Obisnuita fiind cu gardurile care imprejmuiau casele din Targ , mi s-a parut putin ciudat sa remarc absenta gardurilor.  Doar ici , colo cate unul , si acela foarte scund.

   In majoritatea caselor se intra direct din strada.  Iar oamenii! Oamenii sunt de o politete extraordinara! Toti , dar absolut toti m-au salutat desi ii vedeam pentru prima data in viata mea!
Atat am gasit deocamdata pentru rubrica Good Fences #6

12 comentarii:

  1. i like the stone wall and the pretty criss-cross fence! lovely area!

    thanks for linking in, ileana!

  2. Oh, these are really represent western gardens with fences, Love the purplish flower♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. All are very lovely and so enchanting!

  4. A fence on a fence. Beautiful blooms, too.

  5. Nice fences and the criss crosses are one of my favorites.

  6. That looks like a brand new fence in the first shots!

  7. I love the juxtaposition between the old stone wall and the new wood fence but I love the little criss-cross fence even more. Such charming gardens there!

  8. A nice neat little fence surrounding a very warm and inviting home :D)


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