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joi, 20 martie 2014

Siluete la ora echinoctiului( 18:57)

Echinoctiul de primavara  reprezinta momentul cand Pamantul este cel mai aproape de Soare si incepand de la aceasta data durata zilei va fi in continua crestere, iar cea a nopţii in scadere, pana la data de 21 iunie, cand va avea loc solstitiul de vara.
La momentul echinocţiului de primavara, Soarele traverseaza ecuatorul ceresc trecand din emisfera australa a sferei ceresti îin cea boreala

 My sky, 
Orange You Glad It's Friday

11 comentarii:

  1. In your first picture the trees and the sky look to be on fire. The formal garden in the second is so pretty. A wonderful spot to go for a stroll. Your last shot is my favorite with the stone windmill reflecting in the water. Such a nice post this week.

  2. Lovely series of images. Beautiful skies and the last shot is pretty with the reflection. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Beautiful colour through the trees, and a great reflection in the last shot!

  4. Rich and warm colors all around. It's so beautiful.

  5. Especially the masthead of your blog is very different ....have a nice day!

  6. a nice peek from behind the trees.

  7. So, so beautiful! Happy skywatching:-)

  8. yellow and green - hooray for spring! :)

  9. Nice! Like all the shots♪


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