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vineri, 14 februarie 2014

Locul pe care-l iubesc in Targ

Unul din locurile in care ma simt cel mai bine in parc este cel pe care-l vedeti mai jos, color si alb negru. Tocmai de asta  mi-am propus sa-l amintesc azi de ...Valentine's Day , desi nu sunt adepta acestei sarbatori. 
Eu prefer varianta alb negru, voi? 

Aici simt cea mai mare liniste!

Postarea participa la jocul Friday My Town Out, care are ca tema locuri pe care le iubesc in orasul meu
Mai multe reflexii gasiti la SoriN
Thank you for your comments! Have a nice weekend!

26 de comentarii:

  1. I like them both, but I wished you showed more of the sky. Like equal parts water and sky. Still a beautiful scene!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Mie imi place varianta colorata!
    Sa ai un weekend minunat!

  3. Perfect reflections! i like those B&W shots, they're very strong.

  4. Wonderful lake scenery...Reflection is fabulous as always... Happy Valentine's day!!

  5. j aime bcp les noir et blanc,bravo ;o)

  6. Well caught and very fitting for the themes!

  7. Well done!
    All the best.

  8. I love those B&W photos, looks great! Very nice contrast.

  9. Very interesting lines in the your first black and white.

  10. Foarte frumoase fotografii! Intr-adevar, este un loc minunat pentru relaxare. Si mie imi place sa ma preumblu pe acolo, de cate ori am ocazia.
    Weekend frumos si senin! :-)

  11. I really like the second shot and think it transposes to b & w very effectively. A lovely spot.

  12. Hi,Ileana.Nice captures. Your photos are very beautiful. And nice reflections too. BTW,Translation of each language between countries using the alphabet is very simple. I always alphabet launge translate into English. So I understand the meaning. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  13. I like seeing the shots in both colour and black & white.

  14. Lovely reflections, Ileana! These work well both in colour and in b & w.

  15. it never fails, I always prefer the color. just do.

  16. Great B&W! I like the lines and reflections in the first B&W!


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