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duminică, 9 martie 2014

Inspiratia de azi.

Cum spuneam mai devreme intr-o postare, dimineata a debutat cu soare azi . Prilej bun pentru o plimbarica in parc. Lume multa si muuuulti caini in Chindia. Ce am mai gasit pe acolo/ Floricele. E primavara.

Shine the Divine

6 comentarii:

  1. I am waiting for spring. It won't arrive here in SE Ontario for another couple of months.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. Very pretty flowers and I love the bee.

  3. So beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  4. Hi! Nice captures. Your photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. How exciting to find flowers in the park! I am still waiting here north of Toronto. :)


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