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vineri, 7 februarie 2014

Poarta Dealu-Vanatorilor

Cine merge spre Parcul Chindiei pe Aleea Coconilor, se intalneste neaparat cu Poarta Dealu Vanatorilor, o constructie veche datata 1645. Constructia se afla pe lista monumentelor istorice din Targoviste .

Postarea participa la rubrica Friday My Town Out, astazi avand tema , intrari 

8 comentarii:

  1. Wow, that is some entrance. To think it is that old and still standing, is mind boggling.

  2. That gets a Wow from me, too. Imagine the traffic that has passed under that entrance! The snow really adds to the historic look somehow.

  3. what an interesting gate. My question would be 'why'? Why is the gate built like this? Great shot, though.

  4. That last photo just blew me away, so pretty with the snow around! You have to understand where I come from, a very hot and humid island in the tropic, so any photo of the snow always intrigue me. Keep yourself warm.

  5. The snow makes the photo even more special.

  6. Amazing what b/w can do for a photo. Interesting shots.

  7. I like the contrast in the black and white version of this.

  8. That is an interesting structure and very photogenic.


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