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luni, 27 iulie 2015


Este o planta inalta cu flori galbene, care pot fi vazute de la distanta.  In legendele populare este considerata nevasta soerelui , pentru ca apare peste tot in locurile insorite. Este o planta medicinala cu utilizare in tratarea bolilor de plamani fiind  denumita si " medicul plamanilor" datorita calitatilor deosebite pe care le are. Florile contin mucilagii,tanin, uleiuri vegetale, saponozide, lipiode si multe substante minerale.

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12 comentarii:

  1. And catching the bee as well as the light...lovely♪

  2. Beautiful - what is this flower?
    Please link up at

  3. these flowers don´t only catch light, they give it :) So beautiful!

  4. Lovely yellow blooms, pretty images Ileana! Have a happy day!

  5. What a pretty flower that is and you caught a lovely photo of the flower fly in flight and on the flower... Have a wonderful weekend... Michelle


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