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sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2015

Intalnire cu ....Six-spot burnet

La inceputul saptamanii m-am intalnit in parc cu "tipul" de mai jos.  Ma astepta linistit pe o floare de trifoi. Recunosc ca m-a impresionat de la prima intalnire. Mic, delicat si imbracat intr-o haina superba de culoare neagra metalizata cu pete rosii. A ramas nemiscat in locul unde l-am zarit pana in momentul in care Maya s-a hotarat sa-l alunge. Devenise geloasa. Se pare ca i-am acordat o prea mare atentie. :) Mi-a luat ceva timp pana am reusit sa aflu cum il cheama. Ei bine , este o ...molie, pe numele stiintific Zygaena filipendulae. Mai este cunoscut sub numele de six-spot burnet.   

Saturday's Critters
 Nature Notes

13 comentarii:

  1. Beautiful! The colours are striking.

  2. Hello, Ileana! What a beautiful insect, the colors are lovely. Great shots.Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Pretty colors for the moth, and I like the metallic sheen. There is a moth here with the same colors but different arrangements, the Cinnabar moth.

  4. Divine macro shots of nature's little beauties!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. It's a handsome bug with those red spots!

  6. Vibrant red on that moth! You captured it beautifully!

  7. How fantastic is this little guy!! Wow! Great shots.

  8. These are wonderful macros. I think some of the moths we see are as beautiful as butterflies... Michelle


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