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luni, 1 iunie 2015

Festivalului Internaţional al Artelor Spectacolului BABEL , 2015

Azi s-a dat startul Festivalului International al Artelor Spectacolului BABEL, editia a V, cu Jocuri interactive pentru copii, desfasurate pe o scena amenajata in aer liber in fata Primariei. Si cum astazi este ziua copilului , au fost multi copii la spectacol. Cateva imagini surprinse azi.

Au fost multe ativitati dedicate copiilor, spre bucuria lor! 

Nu ratati parada papusilor gigant !

Our World Tuesday Image-in-ing

5 comentarii:

  1. ThAt looks like a wonderful and fun festival. I'm a kid at heart and think I'd love being there!

  2. Looks like a fantastic day for the children and the arts festival. Love the parade of puppets. Enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  3. Colorful event with great human interest photos!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Very cool series of photos.
    Please come link up at

  5. Looks so festive and fun.


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