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luni, 4 mai 2015


Saptamana trecuta m-am "distrat"  cautand insecte prin iarba. Vremea nu a fost prea prielnica. Vantul mi-a pus destule preobleme . In final am reusit  cateva  fotografii cat de cat acceptabile.  Pentru azi am ales primii gandacei care mi-au iesit in cale.
2. nu-i stiu numele. Daca cineva stie astept sa-mi spuna

Cantharis fusca( gandacul soldat)
Atat pentru azi. 

9 comentarii:

  1. What fantastic macro shots! Especially the ladybird. :)

  2. Gorgeous photos of the little bugs!

  3. Wonderful collection of insects and macro shots!

  4. Hello Ileana! You have some wonderful macros of the insects here. I see similar insects in my garden, but have not seen any yet.. Thank you for linking in... Michelle

  5. These are fantastic… I must say the ladybug is my favorite, but they are ll excellent photos! Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  6. Stunnung pictures! I especially like the first one.



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