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marți, 12 mai 2015

Curtea Domneasca si Lacul Chindiei

Daca te afli in Targoviste, nu rata sa vizitezi  Chindia la ora inserarii. Te asigur ca nu vei regrata ! Vei avea ocazia sa vezi un asfintit superb peste Curtea Domneasca!In prima fotografie vedeti Biserica Domneasca ,  o  parte din zidul de aparare , ruinele palatului si bineinteles Turnul Chindiei.

Si daca tot ati ajuns in parc, nu ezitati sa faceti putina miscare in jurul lacului. Ajuta la sanatate! :)

Our World Tuesday

9 comentarii:

  1. Beautiful views of the lake and Royal Court.. Lovely images, Ileana!

  2. Both lovely scenic shots and great capture of the light ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. Great shot of palace runs and the tower.

  4. Lovely pics, worth framing and putting up on wall.

  5. Lovely atmospheric shots and great captures of the light.

  6. Great shots not spoiled by modern buildings against the skyline.

  7. Beautiful reflection and skies in your photos.

  8. I'd love to see this place. You do such a wonderful job of filming!


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