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joi, 12 martie 2015

De n-ar fi gardul asta......!

Acum cateva zile, cand mergeam la plimbare, am vazut o scena amuzanta. Luna, asa o cheama pe protagonista, era sprijinita de un gard si priva cu atentie la ceva ce era dincolo de gard. Mi-a luat ceva timp sa vad ce era asa interesant de vazut acolo! Pana la urma am vazut! :) Voi vedeti ce a vazut Luna?
Priviti cu atentie!
 Inainte de a pleca a mai aruncat o privire inapoi, zicand parca...Ce noroc ai cu gardul asta! :) Ati vazut pisica? Daca nu, click pe fotografie pentru a vedea mai bine. Pisicuta privea cu acelasi interes la "animalul"care sta cocotat pe gard!
Putin mai tarziu Maya gandea la fel ca Luna,  cand a intalnit un catel galagios dincolo de gard!! 

Good Fences

18 comentarii:

  1. Oh dear dear dear. I'm missing our dogs so much more now that I saw these photos. :(
    They're adorable!

  2. Beautiful dog pictures :)
    And the fences are nice, too :))
    Have a beautiful day

  3. Cute doggies, always nice to see your Maya! Great fence shots! Have a happy day!

  4. The dogs are cute! And nice fences as well.

  5. Cute dogs and fences good.

  6. Yep, saw the cat in the first photo after I enlarged it. Good catch.

  7. Da, am vazut si eu pisicuta..Unii catei sunt prieteni cu pisicile, am avut odata un caine, care era mare prieten cu pisicile.

  8. I spied that kitty right away. Good thing the fence was there between the two. I also like the design of that fence. The patina is really pretty. Cute little dogs in the last shot.

  9. Love the big white dog and cute little Maya!

  10. I give you the "Best Fence Post" award. Fences and dogs - my favorite.
    Loved all the cute dogs and the fences and the photos.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)


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