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vineri, 2 ianuarie 2015

Reflexii hibernale

Vitrinele sunt oglinzi excelente, in care natura si nu numai,  se reflecta zi de zi.  Puteti vedea reflexiile din vitrina  aflata in spatele pictorului?  Sper ca da!
Ultima zi a anului care s-a incheiat a fost excelenta in Targ. Nu mi-a mai fost dat de multa vreme sa vad asa o zi frumoasa de iarna. Zapada, soare, cer albastru si nenumarate feluri de petrecere a timpului liber.

Weekend Reflections

4 comentarii:

  1. Lots of snow in your part of the world.

  2. Very colourful images. Fantastic reflection. Happy New Year.

  3. Dearest Ileana; Oh, BEAUTIFULwinter reflection. We had a bit of snow fall yesterday, but not piled up :-)

    Happy New Year and may the new year be the bright, healthy one for you and all of your loved ones, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Wow ! That's a lot of snow !!! I'm so impressed by it that I barely notice the cool reflection you caught... Happy New year, dear !


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