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duminică, 19 octombrie 2014

Nori grei peste Targ

Aseara cerul Targovistei a  fost acoperit de nori negri.

9 comentarii:

  1. O imagine spectaculoasa.Eu nu mai inteleg nimic din toamna aceasta, cand cald, cand frig, cand vant, cand ploaie. Ciudata vreme!Pupici!

  2. A wonderful image! The light is very special!

  3. OMG, what a magical shot of light,Ileana♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Amazing colors in this moodful picture!

  5. Interesting contrast between the natural light in the clouds, and the streetlights amongst the buildings!!!

  6. You captured a mood ... a stormy night and a brightly lit street. This is an amazing picture, Ileana.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  7. that´s a special kind of light .Well captured. Love it!


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