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luni, 20 octombrie 2014

La mesteceni

Cand am ajuns in zona mestecenilor din parc, soarele era la apus . Pe cer norii inaltau o blanda lumina trandafirie! Frumos, nu-i asa? Atmosfera de basm nu  a durat  mult timp. In mai putin de o jumatate de ora locul norilor trandafirii a fost luat de nori negri fiorosi!

Our World Tuesday
Meloman pentru o zi

11 comentarii:

  1. Magnificent sky and cloud shot and excellent music ~ love the cello!

    Happy Week to you.

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Wow, the sky is looking awesome.. Great captures.. Enjoy your weekend, Ileana!

  3. A fabulous shot of that threatening sky - hope you managed to avoid getting drenched! Lovely music too.

  4. Wow, the pink clouds look very near you, as if it is not in the horizon!

  5. Fabulous shot of the clouds.

  6. Wonderful photo and music, enjoy me in the morning...

  7. Beautiful pictures and beautiful music!

  8. A very dramatic sky. You captured it with good timing.

  9. Aici as vrea sa stau, de s-ar putea.... ascultandu-i pe acesti talentati artisti, preferati de altfel si de mine!! Dramatica viziune trebuie sa fi fost... o frumusete parcul acesta care iti ofera atatea aspecte magice, rasarituri si asfintituri magice, oglindiri de vis si cate si mai cate am vazut!! Intr-o zi o sa vin sa ma plimb... Toamna insorita, Ileana si numai bine sa auzim!


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