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joi, 25 septembrie 2014


Vi-l amintiti pe Nero? Ne saluta zilnic pe mine si pe Maya cand trecem prin fata curtii in care locuieste.

 Ieri a fost altfel . Ca de obicei Maya s-a postat langa gard asteptandu-l pe Nero. Din pacate nu a aparut. L-am zarit intins pe pamant. Desi era acoperit , tremura foarte tare. L-am stigat dar nu a reusit decat sa-si ridice capul .:( 
 Asteptam sa-ti revii , Nero!  Pana atunci ne salutam doar cu piticul asta!

 Linking to Good Fences, rubrica gazduita de Theresa.

9 comentarii:

  1. I like the dogs in this post better than the fences!

  2. oh, no! nero looks very ill! i hope he can recover!

  3. Those little dogs never seem to be afraid of the big dogs. Nice catch.

  4. Poor Nero does not look well. I hope his owners are taking care to see he gets well soon so your little friend can visit.

  5. oh i love these! looks like nero has been playing in the mud!

  6. Hope Nero recovers soon. Nice shots.

  7. I am sorry Nero is not well, I hope he is better soon! Cute doggie! Have a happy day!


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