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duminică, 17 august 2014

Am implinit un an!

Azi blogul meu a implinit un an! Nu-mi vine sa cred ce repede a trecut timpul si cate s-au intamplat in acest an! Va multumesc tuturor celor care ati trecut pe aici in acest timp si va astept cu drag in continuare !
Monday 2
Shine the Divine

15 comentarii:

  1. Fantastic shot of this sparkling waterdrop. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. La cati mai multi ani frumosi in aceasta blogosfera. M-ai impresionat mereu cu fotografiile tale si cu sufletul tau minunat. Pupici, draga Ileana!

  3. oh, these are just beautiful! congratulations on your one year!

  4. Divine macro shots with the water drops ~ Beautiful!

    artmusedog and carol ( A Creative Harbor)

  5. Ai dreptate! Repede a trecut.Sa fi sanatoasa si sa duci blogul multi ani inainte.

  6. Lovely shots there must be something in the air this week. I even managed to take one myself when I ran out of bugs to take.

  7. Such pretty, sparkling raindrops. Lovely photos.

  8. So pretty shots, i like the details in the water drops!
    Hugs Riv

  9. Congratulations! I like visiting your blog, especially with such photos as these!

  10. La multi ani si mii si milioane de postari superbe!

  11. La multi ani si la cat mai multe imortalizari faine!A,si multe calatorii!
    Sper sa "dau peste tine" in parc intr-o buna zi.Maine dimineata eu voi fi pe acolo,hi,hi.

  12. Congratulations on the one year milestone.
    These are beautiful photos.


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