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sâmbătă, 21 iunie 2014

Au fost sapte....

Va amintiri familia de lebede?.Cand i-am vazut prima data erau 7 puisori..

 Pericolele nu i-au ocolit ,desi parintii au fost grijulii , si dupa un timp au ramas doar 6 puisori.

  Intre timp au mai crescut dar au ramas doar 5. 

6 comentarii:

  1. Lovely captures of the swan family.. I hope the remaining five babies make it.. Thank you for linking up!
    Happy 1st day of summer & enjoy your weekend.

  2. they are so vulnerable when little.

  3. Ce imagini frumoase, ador lebedele, puisorii de lebada sunt atat de simpatici!

  4. Fantastic shots of the swans and their little ones. :)


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