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marți, 27 mai 2014


Asfintitul de aseara m-a pacalit. Credeam ca azi va fi o zi insorita dar....
dimineata a plouat si acum e innorat si bate vantul . Pe deal se lasa ceata.

    Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more    Nature Notes,       


6 comentarii:

  1. Lovely colours in that first photo!

  2. Beautiful scenery and lovely photos.

  3. Lovely sunset. The other photos have their own sort of beauty.

  4. We too have had times that were very sunny followed by rain storms. It has been a very wet spring here in New York State.. Thank you for sharing with Nature Notes Ileana.. Michelle

  5. A wonderful sunset, looks rainy like here.

  6. Lovely series! Lovely sunset, the sky is very pretty in the first shot! Enjoy your week!


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