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duminică, 25 mai 2014

Nu mai ai umbra, buni.

Am profitat de soarele de afara si ne-am jucat putin. Eva a fost tare amuzata de prezenta umbrelor noastre pe asfalt. Si ca sa nu uitam , am facut cateva fotografii.

 La un moment dat , s-a asezat in fata mea si a zis: " Buni , tu nu mai ai umbra! "

  Shadow Shot Sunday,

6 comentarii:

  1. What sweet photos! So happy to visit you!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. Love your beautiful shadow dance together. So enchanting.

  3. Beautiful photos! It's clear to see the joy. Even the dog seems happy! I wish you all a nice sunday!

  4. This photos are so cute... Nicely done...

  5. Nice shadow shot with a pleasant cute surprise in the end. I like it and thanks for showing.

  6. I love shots like this - dancing shadows. :)


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