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joi, 22 mai 2014

Flori superbe - Aquilegia-columbine

Din pacate , cunostintele mele in ceea ce priveste denumirea acestor flori sunt nule. Dar florile sunt superbe asa ca le-am denumit " Flori superbe" Daca voi stiti ce sunt dati-mi de stire! :)  
                      Va multumesc pentru comentarii . Asa am aflat denumirea acestor flori.                                                                                                                                                  
FFF,    Floral LoveToday Flowers

11 comentarii:

  1. Lovely columbines! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Feerie de culori!
    O seara placuta!

  3. Sunt frumoase.Am in gradina o multime.Popular se numesc "caldaruse,am aflat de putin timp. Numai bine!

  4. The aquilegias are favourite here. Lovely photos.

  5. Your flower images are beautiful!! That first one is really very pretty.

  6. Foarte frumoase, si le-am aflat si denumirea, din postarile de mai sus:)
    Numai bine!

  7. Wunderschöne Akeleiblüten....sehr schöne Aufnahmen...
    Liebe Grüße, Karin

  8. Lovely photos. I just posted my first image to Today's Flowers ---and I didn't know what kind of flower it was, but it looks almost like your first photo, except that it is much larger and purple instead of pink. So maybe you solved the mystery of what it is.

  9. Your garden columbines are like, but not like, the wild ones I have been capturing in the woods!!! The garden ones come is so many colours!!!

  10. Two lovely varieties, beautiful!


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