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duminică, 11 mai 2014

Dupa ploaie

Picaturi  pe geamul meu. In ele se reflecta salcia din fata geamului.
I heart macro
Shine the Divine

6 comentarii:

  1. Pretty waterdrops. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Beautiful. I wish I can take photos as good as this! #iheartmacro

  3. These are so beautiful pictures, Ileana!!! I love the light, the colours and the dreamy atmosphere of these photos very much!

  4. Oh these are terrific. The third one is so pretty.

  5. Ti-am urmarit pagina de pornire si am ramas "masca". Ce minunatie de fetita! Sa-ti traiasca!
    ...cand te intorci?

    1. Multumesc! Eva este intr-adevar o minunatie de copil. E bine daca ai ramas anonimul cu "masca"! Nu dau detalii despre cand ma intorc, la anonimi!


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