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joi, 2 aprilie 2015

O zi obisnuita

 Meteorologii au anuntat vreme rece pentru sfarsitul de saptamana, asa ca am profitat din plin de vremea insorita de azi dimineata. Dar nu am fost singura care am profitat!  Haideti sa vedem impreuna cam ce am surprins azi in drumul spre parc:
  Pe aleea Coconilor, o doamna isi vopsea gardul!  Sper sa se usuce vopseaua pana vine ploaia! :)

 Grupuri de tineri (elevi?) se indreptau spre parc. Oare nu aveau ore?

Muzeul de istorie avea oaspeti. Un grup de copii galagiosi, care asteptau cu nerabdare sa intre inauntru! :)  

Si ca de obicei Maya si-a facut "numarul" cand a trecut pe langa "prietenii" ei, care o latra zilnic!

Cam atat pentru azi.
Postarea participa la rubrica de azi , gazduita de Theresa .

6 comentarii:

  1. neat variety of fences! i like that park gate and the red color the woman is painting her fence!

  2. Aspecte din viata cotidiana, frumos a fost la voi.Pupici!

  3. Pretty variety of fences, I like the colorful fence..Always nice to see your sweet Maya! Have a great day and Happy Easter!

  4. Nice fence choices today. I hope the fence that the lady was painting dried before the rain.
    I like the wrought iron fencing and Maya seems to so enjoy her walks.

  5. Dearest Ileana; What a WONDERFUL varieties of fences♡♡♡ Smiled with the third picture:-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*


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