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joi, 9 aprilie 2015

Galben de primavara ( Forsythia)

Primul  arbust care infloreste primavara este Forysthia. In fata blocului meu, este un arbust care imi anunta sosirea primaverii in fiecare an. 

Desi sta ascuns in spatele gardului, atunci cand il privesc de la fereastra apartamentului, ma pot bucura de culoarea lui galbena. 

9 comentarii:

  1. Very pretty fence scene, Ileana! I love the beautiful forsythia! Have a happy day!

  2. really beautiful pops of color! thanks, ileana!

  3. The wonderful yellow of spring!

  4. Very nice fence, and I adore the forsythia bush! I always loved forsythia when we lived on the east coast of US and miss least I have the palo verde now for my spring yellow color. Enjoy your lovely spring!

  5. Forsythia are always a sign of spring. Your fence with the yellow peeking over is nice but I really loved the view from your window.


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