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joi, 19 februarie 2015

Vreau sa patinez!!

Va era dor de putin soare? Mie, da! M-am bucurat din plin de plimbarea facuta prin parc . Am vrut chiar sa patinez putin, dar credeti ca mi-a dat voie? Nuuu!!!! Cica exista riscul sa se sparga ghiata. Auzi, sa se sparga ghiata !!! Pai eu sunt mare ca ea? Eu am doar 6 kg. In fine! N-am avut de ales si a trebuit sa ies de pe ghiata. Dar lasa ca prind eu un alt moment cand nu ma vede nimeni si voi incerca sa patinez! Va pup! Cu drag, Maya

Apropo! Ati observat ca au pus garduri noi la debarcader?   Sunt mult mai frumoase decat cele vechi si au si beculete ! Daca nu va amintiti cum erau cele vechi ,le vedeti aici.
Linking to Good Fences, rubrica gazduita de Theresa.

9 comentarii:

  1. I think it is best for Maya to stay safe and off of the ice.. I like the pretty new fence.. Have a happy day!

  2. i like the new fences! maya, better you stay on solid ground!

  3. Very cool photos! I like the dogs red coat!

  4. Lovely fences and cute dog.

  5. Too bad about no skating, poor Maya.

    Here you could...but it's windy and almost 0 degrees!

  6. Now Maya you need to be cautious as to not fall through that ice. I do like the new fencing and the nice lights. I bet it's pretty at night too.

  7. Oh hello sweet puppy! Pretty day for a walk!

  8. Your last photo is marvelous. I like the others too but worried about your dog falling through the ice.


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