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luni, 8 septembrie 2014

Zilele orasului( 3)In vizita la Complexul Muzeal Curtea Domneasca

Curtea Domneasca in imagini 

1. Intrarea

 De cum intri in incinta Curtii Domnesti , privirea iti e atrasa deTurnul Chindiei, aflat drept in fata!

  In partea dreapta se afla Biserica Domneasca si ruinele  palatului .


 Our World Tuesday

7 comentarii:

  1. Greetings from England. What very beautiful and unusually shaped buildings. Your photographs do the site great justice. A lovely day out to see.

  2. Great photos of a very interesting place.

  3. Great set of photos from the ruins! It's destroyed now, but it is easy to see that it once was a majestic building!

  4. What gorgeous shots of the ruins.

  5. What a wonderful visit and you captured so many angles of this castle.

  6. Of,pacat ca le sufoca cu termopanele alea.

  7. Frumoasa "Curtea Domneasca" si uimitoare instanturi! Sper sa revad aceste locuri pline de istorie cat de curand! Un sfarsit de saptamana placut!


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