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joi, 13 februarie 2014

Targovistea azi

O zi aglomerata azi. Multe drumuri de facut si nu toate placute.Dar a fost o zi cu soare.

Linking to: Skywatch Friday

8 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. A fost muult soare si eu am fost mai toata ziua pe drumuri . Bineinteles cu camera dupa mine!:)

  2. It is nice to see the snow melting, the green grass and blue skies… today we are having a big snow storm… beautiful in its own way.

  3. It is nice to see the snow melting and the grass, I love the tall pine trees? Pretty sky shots.

  4. Looks like a sunny day, beautiful photos.

  5. Superb cerul senin! In curand verdele va stapani iarasi intreaga natura.
    Frumoase poze!
    Numai bine! :-)


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