Am inceput cu o intalnire de risc major ! :)
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO125
In parc era o intensa activitate de curatare a zapezii de pe alei. Multe persoane , putina munca asa ca la noi!
Se pare ca doamna m-a observat, pentru ca se uita la mine pe sub cozoroc!:)
1/1000 sec, f5.6, ISO 25
Baiatul din fotografia de mai jos, a crezut ca lucrez pe la vreun ziar , pentru ca m-a rugat sa-i fac o poza :
"doamna, nu-mi faci si mie o poza, sa apar la ziar ca muncesc?"1/1000, f5,6, ISO125
Dat fiind ca a fost o zi insorita, erau destui oameni la plimbare in parc . Iata cativa , carora le cer scuze ca mi-am permis sa-i fotografiez. Asta in cazul in care, din intamplare, ajung sa vada fotografiile in paginile acestui blog.
1/400sec, f5,6, ISO125
1/200 sec , f 8, ISO 100
1/250 sec, f9, ISO 100
Thank you Donna, for hosting our monthly Personal Photo Challenge
Thank you for joining in on the photo challenge! These are wonderful examples of street photography, with many candid captures! I especially love how you made all of the images black and white because that really emphasizes a photojournalistic style. You even got your sweet dog in on the action. I hope that your dog didn't get too scared by the big dogs, LOL. I love the various photos of the snow removal crew. Yes, that lady was peering out at you from beneath her hat, wondering what you were doing! The ones with the gentlemen passing by were good, but I really liked the closeup of the two women. They have interesting faces of character!
RăspundețiȘtergereCongratulations on a fine showing of photos. I think you were quite successful! I hope you will participate in future challenges too.
Thank you, Dona! Your comment encourages me!
ȘtergereI think that they are all successful and I think that you built some rapport with the snow shovelers who even engaged you in play. That's fun! Beautiful photography and I did not notice, until the end, that it was black and white. That's how interesting it was!
RăspundețiȘtergereHello Ileana
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat great street scenes you have photographed.
Oh so much snow and everyone is busy with their shovels.
The dogs in the first photo are lovely - saying hello to each other!
I am so glad you joined us today!
LOVE your photos!! You did a Wonderful job!!
RăspundețiȘtergereI hope you continue to participate!
Very nice street scenes, especially the shots of the two women.